JBI: The Problem With Mediocrity.

Today the word “criticism” is almost considered socially unacceptable. There is an attitude that “acceptance” is expected, no matter how low the standards of service or effort is.  Refinement, study, paying close attention to what is at hand is no longer a pressure that many are burdened with.   As I’m sitting here typing out my thoughts, I”m even questioning myself.  Am I being too hard on today’s society? Am I getting more independent and picky as I’ve reached the age of forty now? Is the standard in which we live in and are accustomed to in fact satisfactory and my view point is coming from an unfair and judgmental idea, or is this a topic to be examined and discussed?

My thoughts on the subject of mediocrity are not just aimed in one particular direction. I feel as though the problem has spread like a contagious illness in a community.  Once we realized we could get by with less, the idea has somehow spread like an epidemic.  Please don’t get me wrong. There are goals that man has set and conquered, causing him to continually to aim higher. Such as in technology and science. Gadgets to improve the way of life are constantly evolving.  Medicine, which improves the physical part of man, right now globally, it’s become the field where our appetites can not be met. I don’t see this as a bad thing. I just wonder why we fail to apply this drive of knowledge to our personal achievements and goals in our daily life.

We often hear it said that “things could be better,”  and yet somehow good enough has become just that, good enough.  A man by the name of Isaac Disraeli once said, “It’s a wretched taste to be gratified with mediocrity when the excellent lies before us.”  Is it possible that accepting less than has actually contributed to generations of unhappiness, in one form or another, knowing that we are living in a less than community and lifestyle?  If this be the case, how could we not know that there’s something greater out there to be achieved? I would venture to say that deep down in each of us, we know this to be the truth. That we feel this uneasy pull within us to raise our standards and to reach our full potential.  If we were all in a room together and were asked the question, who here is reaching your full potential in your everyday life, what percentage of hands do you think would go up? I’d say not even a forth, not even close to that if any at all.

Over the next few weeks I’m going to try and stay on this topic and apply what I discover to my simple little corner of life. I feel its so relevant and could have a small impact on my life, as I hope it does in the readers lives as well. I invite you to my page and to take from it as you wish, comment your thoughts rather it be for or  against what I’m saying.   I’ve got the outline of this blog in my head but would love to hear your view points as well.  I’ve always enjoyed doing writing on the side so I thought it might be fun to start up a blog. I’m calling my site, Just Blog It. Please look for my next entry.   I don’t know about you but I’m tired of just maintaining the level of performance in which I’ve arrived.  I’ve got this drive within me to run ahead and increase my individual productivity or capability.  I wish you luck in your endeavors.